
by Reflection | noitcelfeR   May 18, 2005

Sadness spreads
like a sickness, these days.
It clouds your life
in a thick, black haze.

It has touched my life
and the life of my friends,
and a very long list
that never ends.

It is like the wind
from which you can't protect.
You see not the wind,
but you see the effect.

It consumes your whole life,
every thought, every breath.
And sometimes it can
drive people to death.

There is no point
in denying what's there,
even though it is not
forgiving or fair.

You can not hide
from this twisted disease.
It finds a host
in whom ever it please.

So don't try to run
and don't try to hide
because sadness will be there,
always at your side.

It just waits for the opportune
moment to strike,
and it will have your head
on a blood-stained pike.

It is merciless
and pitties no soul,
and in your heart
it leaves a hole.

But fear not,
there is a cure,
and it is love,
a love so pure.

When darkness comes
you need someone
to be there for you,
to whom you can run.

So find comforting in knowing
that you can fight through
if you find someone
that trully loves you.


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~**Sweetpea**~

    Hey Andrew, it's Tiffany!!! what up?? i love how you write you are so good at sharing how you feel! i want you to know i'll always be here if you ever want to talk. It really does help honest. I love you!!


  • 19 years ago

    by RachiBubbles

    awesome poem, i liked it and it was worded perfecly for me to understand the poem.... keep up the great work! hope u have free time to just look at some of my poems... <3 Rachael

  • 19 years ago

    by cant sleep

    im still lookin, but it looks as though you didnt have to look, your person found you. you're one of the lucky few. i liked this one. the wording was awesome. you have really improved as a writer. i like it. keep it up!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by AshBnash

    Hey, that was really good. And I want you to know that I will always be here for you and try to chase your sadness away. I love you!

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