My heart is now broken

by Jenipher   May 18, 2005

From the first moment that i saw you
i knew there was something i had to do

so i walked over and said hi
your voice was so sweet i felt like i could fly

everyday after that moment
we were together from then on

6 months have gone and past
and our relationship I'm sure was meant to last

but then something just wasn't right
everyday we began to fight

about how he was always staying out late
not telling me where he was

coming home smelling like a girl
all i could think of was he was giving her a whirl

after awhile he finally confessed
he said it was only because he was stressed

thats not a good reason
to go around and give girls a pleasing

so that day i decided it was time for me to go
because i didn't want to be with a man ho

my heart is now broken
all into pieces

but i know i cant live like that anymore
so I'm going to spread my wings sore

even though i thought forever
we would be together

but i guess not if half my heart is yours
and half of yours is someone Else's

and now its not you and me
i guess thats how it should be

and I'm probably better off now
I'm sure ill get over it some day some how

rate and comment Please

*OK this is not true about me or anyone i know i just started singing and thats what came out well part of it so i decided to write it out*


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