I'll be seeing you around

by Kay   May 18, 2005

I think of your lifeless body
I can still remember what you said
Those painful words you put me through
Are always going through my head

I knew that one day this would happen
It’s so painful to see what you’ve done
The abuse you put yourself through
It’s like your mind was a gun

I saw that you had problems
I helped in every way I could
I talked with you for hours on end
Yet my advice was no good

You told me I didn’t know what it was like
You said that it was hell
I wish I knew what you were going through
But nobody could tell

Some day’s you wouldn’t even come to school
You’d just sit at home and cry
I’d come after wards to see how you were
But all you’d mumble was lies

The day I heard the dire news
I just broke down then and there
From that moment on a became an empty shell
I should have been aware

I should have stayed with you that night
While I listened to you cry out your soul
I should have held you and told you it’s alright
But all that is left is a big black hole

All I ever think about now
Is how unfilled I am with out you
You were the one who held the key to my heart
The days I don’t wish you were alive are few

But it’s better in a way
That you’re not on this merciless ground
But maybe sometime soon
I’ll be seeing you around

=) Tell me what you think Thanks!


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  • 19 years ago

    by stop falling...

    this ia so amazing... it made me cry. did u really lose someone or did u just make this up? either way wow....