Every time you have a smile
Someone has a frown
Every time your looking up
Someone is looking down
Every time your out with your friends
Someone is home alone
Every time your being praised
Someone is unknown
Every time your getting good grades
Someone is completely failing
They are trying so hard to do good
And all your doing is sailing
Every time your in love
Someone is hated
Every time you have a boyfriend
Someone has never dated
Every time you go shopping
Someone doesn't have that money
Every time you get new clothes
Someone is looking funny
Every time your laughing
Some begins to cry
Every time someone is born
Some slowly begins to die
Every time a boy is flirting with you
Someone is hoping that they will look
Every time they a guy tells you your beautiful
Someone wishes their life could be took
Every time you see the sun
Someone sees the rain
Every time you feel great
Someone feels pain
Every time you think you got it bad
Someone has it worst
Every time you want it to end
Someone feels cursed
Every time you think life is good
Someone takes a knife
Every time you got it great
Some hates their life
Every time you finish something
Someone just began
Every time you got it accomplished
Someone can't do what you can
Take the time to think of that someone
The person who wants their life to be done
Think of them and think how luck you are
That you have a opportunity to go so far
Every time you see the sun
Someone sees the rain
Every time you feel great
Someone feels pain
I Liked That Bit, But All Of It Was Brilliant, I Liked It So Much, I Can't Stress Enough How Good Your Poem Was, All i Know Is That You Should Be So Proud!!!
Well Done Again,