Whats tha Point?

by Carolina g   Sep 30, 2003

Whats tha point in living life,
if all it brings is pain?
Whats tha point in living life,
if hurt is what we gain?

Whats tha point in living life,
if we have a broken heart?
Whats tha point in living life,
if we have it torn apart?

Whats tha point in living life,
if everythings going wrong?
Whats tha point in living life,
if we feel we dont belong?

Whats tha point in living life,
if endless tears we cry?
Whats tha point in living life,
if all we want to do is die?

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  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    I wish i could say i did'nt know what you'll
    talking about but i do I guess the band
    <STAIND> says it best in their song
    <WASTE> read the lyrics 5/5 on your
    very relatable poem cy

  • 19 years ago

    by Nanita

    Very good. I really liked it and sometimes I sit and think the some thiing.

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