Sleepless Dreams

by Wulfpak77   May 20, 2005

Every time I close my eyes the horror is always there
Awakens me from sleep for those pains I can not bare
Soaked with sweat trembling from my dreams
Tearing my heart at its very seams

Nightmares of memories I have not released
Terrors in the night that never seem to cease
Trembling with fear every time I wake
Even though the dreams are fake

Taking everything I care for
Destroying the very ground I stand
Enhancing my pain and wanting more
My very soul they demand

Abandoned by everyone who I thought cared
Laughing at tears I shed so rare
The darkness enfolds me; Engulfing my soul
Sinking deeper and deeper into a hopeless black hole

I awaken shaken by those things
I awaken and feel every single sting
I awaken and begin the day anew
I awaken for it’s the only thing I can do

One day soon I hope these dreams will end
That moving on will help mend
That death is not following right behind
Just one night of peace…now that I would not mind


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Beautiful and sad poem. I truly love your talent of writing and I pray you find comfort. hugs, love, *Ann*