I Must

by Wulfpak77   May 20, 2005

Where did I go wrong?
How have I come to this?
My life’s a sad sad song
So many things amiss.

Wanting to care
Yet pushing it away
Yearning to share
Yet hurtful things I say

This is not me I swear
But I defend at every cost
If I wasn’t so aware
I might not feel so lost

I hurt the ones close to me
I say destructive cutting things
Why oh Why can that be?
Pain and heartache it always brings

Please I beg what is the source?
The fear unleashed upon those I trust
How can I change this course?
Have to overcome this…I must…I must


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Another beautiful and heartfelt poem. You can overcome almost anything, have faith and really try and you will succeed. hugs, love, *Ann*