Things Unsaid

by Wulfpak77   May 20, 2005

Sometimes things should not be said
Yet words are hanging on my lips
Wanting to share the changes in my life
Seeking your cherished input

The wrong thing to do I feel that would be
Both with obstacles to face
Each alone shall we find the truth
Discover the answers we seek

Once again I felt deeply about someone
Not a day passes without a thought of her
How I would like to start all over again
I felt like I could completely trust her

One thing I must confess
The greatest of my fears
Did she really care?
Or was it all just make believe?

That is where my troubles lay
The more I trust the more I fight
Horrified at the possibility of loosing it
Suffocated by my insecurity

Striving to over come that flaw
For no one but myself
Trying to gain back who I was
From the past that haunts me so

Choices I must make
Trying my best to full fill
Letting go of my care for her
And hope the future might bring us together again

If these changes bring her back
An added bonus to my success
I will not soon forget the things we shared
For the short time together has saved her a space in my heart

* this is a new style for me so forgive me if it sucks lol


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