Likened to me, as I grow on you and this insidious day drawls a weary hand, until remembrance rings false and we must question what lay in our own heads.
A default quest makes us dull, as every convergent guess sires a separate note and now we’re hopeless, relying on each other whilst these divergent epiphanies send away our abilities, and we rise above this sewer, *circles her hands* and this place.
Confusion rests on desire, and the real of our dreams become obscure however our lament cries. Our missed delusion clauses our sound rebellion, to refrain from our labeled abnormality and better described as artwork…quite taken as we still are, though lost within a colorful surrealism, undressed for being mislaid and yet we are as our fans say… imperishable as we’re surrounded by this visage, our imagination.
And as now I can remember, where here much later it’s been…regaled thereafter and hence I’d arrived staggering, brought from that well traveled road a guest at Time’s palace.
Otherwise the truth is not kind, and it was all a long day dream…where I was unable to satisfy where I truly was.