Saving me from death

by Kylead   May 24, 2005

I want this all to go away
Every time I think of u it leads me farther away from the light.
To absolute darkness
And I began to remember your touch but my skin soon turns to ash
My mouth on fire for a second but this fills with the ashes from my kiss.

My skin decaying before my eyes my skin burnt like ember
I venture forth closer to the end of all my pain closer to resolve
If I close my eyes for a second I drift back to were I started
So I nail my eyes open so I can see my suffering pain agony first hand
So I can see my love walk hand in hand my death
So I can see the darkness rip apart my vassal
But giving no upheaval I continue into the jaws of Cerberus to face a sudden and certain death
But as I step toward my death an image of you stands be for me.
Telling me it does not have to be like this.
I Scream with my decaying mouth 4 long years after all we would been through u would throw it away for him.
She screams back you still have a chance to meet someone
We can still be friends; I scream back I can’t be your friend
U chose his heart an betrayed mine
Your love lies with him
She Scream back but that’s no reason to die
I scream back why the hell are you here
Just To torment me before I die
She answers back I am here because when god, earth and the star did call to you u ignored them leaving me as the last chance to reach you before your fall she leaves me now to think before the jump
Looking down at the fire the hell that was waiting for me
I look back after theses long years at the path I strayed from
An wonder with the path I chose did I hurt someone was there something more meant for me is there someone who I can help
Someone who can break through all my agony
Who can reach me?
Someone who can pick me up an take me past the point where u failed me
Now I have regain a fragment of hope I sit up in my bed
Go to the bathroom to get some Gloss to heal the wounds that I made
Now on my way I finally leave the place were all my memories linger
And erase my past to finally start over an create a new path.


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  • 18 years ago

    by kylie

    Hey that is a really cool and deep poem! There should be a new poem in now.

  • 18 years ago

    by Eric McGlaughlin

    Well done....Shows a lot of emotion. Heh......but keep in you call them around us....Need a shephard..... I let that person be me. We might be alone in our state of minds, in our worlds, but I for one choose to help those around me... We have to lead them, or they'll fall into darknessand become worse...Sure...I'm in the darkness, but people like us normally are. Lead some to light, and you'll have a different outlook on the world.

  • 19 years ago

    by VioletRaven

    I loved the start of this, very dark. I never read poems in the love section, but this one, I have to say, is good. Not much of a fan of the use of "u" instead of "you", but I do think highly of the imagery in this poem, well done.