Lover's suicide

by Come What May   May 24, 2005

I knew you didn't love me
Though you said it was true
You told me not to worry
Just to trust you

Foolishly I said it back
I dropped those 3 short words
I knew that I regretted it
My heart had wings like birds

It felt like I would fly away
To run away with you
I wish that I could run now
Anything that I can do

To escape the way I feel right now
To say it isn't real
And once more I can avoid
Coping with what's real

I hate the girl that I've become
And a few pills can't hurt
They kill my mind, make me numb.
Can you face it? You killed me, jerk

Just for a pretty face out of town
You dropped me on my face
Now I finally realize
That I know my place

And it's not here on Earth
One bottle will set me free
These pills won't be my killer
My killer will be me

No, not by me, by you
You gave me up for her
I'm sorry that you lost me
I didn't want this to occur

I've given up on everything
Especially you and me
And if you really loved me
Maybe you could see.

The pain you caused by telling me
You didn't love me true
You liked her, she was prettier
That it was over for me and you

I love you, I won't lose you
So I'll lose me instead
A small bottle of pills and then
My body will be dead


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  • 19 years ago

    by demonicpossesion

    i know how you were feeling as you wrote this as am currently feelin the same way. its the onli feeling that you cant ignore. its very good thank you.