Abortion/legal murder

by ScarletHaze   May 25, 2005

Not all murderers are locked away
Not all get what they deserve.
Police spend ages tracking down killers
So why are the most obvious ones let loose?

All these people who go through or do abortions
Why aren't they sentenced too?
How come they are allowed to kill?
Why can they murder innocent babies?

Just because people can't be arsed with a condom
Or are too lazy to get put on the pill.
Why do these underserving people take a life?
when there are people out there who seriously want a child but can't have them?

What if you kill someone out on the street?
What is the difference between that and abortion?
Oh right sorry i forgot.
one has been legalized, one is legal murder!
But honestly where is the difference?
After all either way your taking a life!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Tatiana

    This is a good poem but i have to disagree on one thing... You said in the poem that eveyone who has an abortion should go to jial....Wha about the people that get raped...should they get locked up because they didnt choose to keep a baby... ??

  • 19 years ago

    by Alma

    Great writer!!!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Jamie

    Why are we allowed to kill animals? that is the real question because an animal and a fetus are much more similar then an animal and a real human lol so yes different veiws here but this is a great poem i love the things you chose to write about and you have a great vocabulary definalty a 5/5 poem i liked this alot even though i dont agree with you great job!!

  • People do have different opinions on this topic. I used to be completely against abortion but my veiws have changed recently.
    I can see where you're coming from though and i like the way you've put your opinions into a poem, it works well and seems to have caused a little Controversy, but that was to be expected !!
    Anyways, really liked it !!

    xxx cici xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by ~:.GodeSsOfTemPtati0n.:~

    Hi =) very good poem... i liked it... im against abortion... i wrote something about killing fetus... its inhumane... and the title is "slain by your choice" hope u check it out... thanx for the comment... much appreciated...
    much love....

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