A Victim to their game

by Jacob Emery   May 25, 2005

In the school
Lies pools of blood
The blood that was shed
from the dead
He was tortured and bullied
each day
He chose not to stay here anymore
He opened his dads cabinet and discovered a gun
He thought this might be just a little game of fun
But the people who made his life hell were done
He opened the doors and walked into school
In his arms were a bag
and inside was the choice of death
for all the people who called him a "fag"
He tried to handle it in a more suitable way
but by the end of the day there was no other way
He walked up to the guys who had always given him hell
He didnt even tell what he was going to do
He took out the gun and pointed it to their heads
and in an instance all of them were dead
Innocent people tried to run
but were stopped with the bullet of the gun
Theres blood everywhere
Down the halls and on the walls
The teachers try to stop him
but they cant do a thing
He laughs as they fall to the floor
He smiles as he sees the blood hit the door
Hes no longer bullied
because he no longer lives
This was what he planned to do
and wrote about it
to tell to you
Instead he turned the gun on himself
and the cruel still dwell in the school
Living with the guilt
and the pain they built on this one boy
Who use to be their play toy
Hes finally away from all the pain
Because he was the victim
to their little game


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  • 18 years ago

    by Autuumnbree

    Very good and also very well wrtten.........NJ