The perfect painted smile

by ButterflyKisses_xo   May 25, 2005

She picks up a brush,
and paints on what she wants to be her everlasting smile.

Although that smile soon fades,
her hopes and dreams will always stay.

A dream to soon,
leave this place,
and hide away from everything.

Hopes to one day be,
that perfect little girl,
daddy always wanted her to be.

But when she pulls up her sleeves,
she See's all the scars,
that will never let her forget,
she will never be as perfect as he wanted her to be.

The scars are forever to be,
placed beneath her sleeves,
but her pain has built up,
so greatly that she's drowning,
in misery.

The only way to hide the pain now would be to smile,
so again she takes a brush and paints,
a smile so big,
That it just might be,
*-_The Perfect Painted Smile_-*

**I've been gone for awhile, but thanks to everyone who commented on my poems/and rated while I was gone..Really appreciated it! lotz of love,


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  • 19 years ago

    by pain is me

    I really loved this...keep it up...

  • 19 years ago

    by Julia

    Awesome poem....keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by gorgeouslilmissy

    great poem!! *5/5*. i have been reading alot of your poems. they are really good!! =)