Suffering Bulimic

by śrÂ¥ing▲§øul╬╧   May 25, 2005

I chose this for me
thats what I'll say
its my life I'll do what i want
maybe then they'll let me stay

I'm planning to wait a little longer
until they finally leave
so i can put my finger down my throat
let myself be

I'm way to tired to do anything
I'm way to sick to eat
my face white as a ghost
i look in the mirror and see

no one's close to finding out my secret
not even my best friend is
she would take it into consideration
then she to would be like this

it started out different
to just lose a little weight
now its taking over my life
it just had to be this way

suffering like this is a nightmare
since I'm already sick
i got diagnosed with hypoglycemia
then this happened to be what i pick

i pass out all the time
I'm white as new fallen snow
this is my life now
the saddest thing is no one knows


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  • 19 years ago

    by aliiiii

    I know what you been through. A lot actually. I'm hypoglycemic. And its worse when your hypoglycemic to be bulimic because if you dont eat, you naturally puke. Anyway, its a awsome poem, keep writing.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jordan

    Wow. Since Im bulimic I know exactally how it feels. Its like a burden yet a savor at the same time, and unless your bulimic youll never understand. Anyways its a good poem!

    Much Love,

  • 19 years ago

    by Jordan

    I wrote a similar poem, and I know exactally how it feels. Being bulimc seems to never end, the feelings seem to never go away, all the worrying and everything. It's so hard.Well anyways this was a really good poem.
    Much Love,

  • 19 years ago

    by MEG!@$%

    wow... i love your poems... they are very powerful

  • another problem that i've cause for myself....making myself more sick....and i'm supposed to be the one who knows best for look where i'm at

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