Comments : Suffering Bulimic

  • another problem that i've cause for myself....making myself more sick....and i'm supposed to be the one who knows best for look where i'm at

  • 19 years ago

    by MEG!@$%

    wow... i love your poems... they are very powerful

  • 19 years ago

    by Jordan

    I wrote a similar poem, and I know exactally how it feels. Being bulimc seems to never end, the feelings seem to never go away, all the worrying and everything. It's so hard.Well anyways this was a really good poem.
    Much Love,

  • 19 years ago

    by Jordan

    Wow. Since Im bulimic I know exactally how it feels. Its like a burden yet a savor at the same time, and unless your bulimic youll never understand. Anyways its a good poem!

    Much Love,

  • 19 years ago

    by aliiiii

    I know what you been through. A lot actually. I'm hypoglycemic. And its worse when your hypoglycemic to be bulimic because if you dont eat, you naturally puke. Anyway, its a awsome poem, keep writing.