Blame and Broken Vows

by HOLLY ARMER   May 25, 2005

You said it,
can't take it back.

I thought for so long
I wasn't responsible
Living blame free
putting it on you

Wasn't it another woman
that lead you astray?
Placing the fault on
you or her, but never me!

The guilt of me
being alone,
was enough to
keep you quiet.

That's why you
let me believe,
Up on my pedestal
throwing accusations

But now....
You said it,
can't take it back

My trivial deception
broke the bond
Corroding your trust
deteriorating our love

Like falling dominoes,
A chain reaction
leading to the demise
of our marriage

Now I sit,
three years later,
Surrounded by blame
and broken vows!

*If you've ever read anything by me, you'll know this isn't my style! Tell me what you think, I'd like to write more free verse....but I really need some feedback! Be brutally honest, don't hold back :) Holly


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  • 19 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    Really, Holly, It's not bad at all. Many free verse simply suck but you hold a greater title. Use more poetry devices such as alliteration, similies, hyperboles, and metaphors would be a grand suggestion. I would love to see more free verse poetry by you. I'm growing to like it. =) 5/5

    Love you.

  • 19 years ago

    by Forever29

    Hi Holly. I really love your rhyming poems, but free verse is great when you need to vent. I feel like I now have writer's block. I'm running out of inspiriation.