Comments : Our evil circle (And I love you)

  • 19 years ago

    by Gemini

    Mesmerizing....really...keep it up...5 starz!

  • 19 years ago

    by Zayda

    OMG, sweetie, I won't lie to you, this is the best poem I've ever read... Not only it is full of emotion and passion, but it's also sharp and touching... As I read it I couldn't help feeling a little sad for you... I've been that into someone before and I know you just can't stop loving them... I know your heart is broken, and I understand how you feel... I don't want to sound like a bi** but, you know, now I'm through with that awful relationship I thank him for he showed me what love was like... I mean, You love him, You know what love is, and for that we should be thankful for love is the greatest thing on earth... You're a strong girl, I just hope everything comes out just right for you, really...

    Keep up the good work, you're truly gifted...

    luv, Zayda

  • 19 years ago

    by Chloe

    Thank you so much.

  • 19 years ago

    by Foresaken_Tears

    Hey hun,
    Its nice that your sill gettin on wiv fings, altho that poem was full of gut wrentching hate and a sort of lonely solitude (lolol alwaya da bloody poet) it summed up to me just how much strength you have, it appeared that you were facing your fears and your concerns.. whether you can tolerate it remains to be said but im sure you can do it coz you are sooo strong! lift your head up high and keep on going till it all stops flowing, take care darlin,

  • 19 years ago

    by Sarah Christine

    LOVED the poem, soooo touching,, Keep up the work. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by FireCracker

    WHOA .. Girl I loved it. Im speechless. It is so good. awesome work once again. Sry I havent been on here for a long time. Ive been thru alot I havent posted many new ones but I will get around to it soon, Hope you get the chance to read them. keep up ur awesome work I so enjoy readin ur poems !! THNKS ..


  • 12 years ago

    by dalllllal

    This is really touching I loved it