Comments : To daddy

  • 19 years ago

    by XKt_ShellyX

    oh my god, i cant believe it either. Anna this is awful, I hope it isnt true. but if it is, oh my god.
    I really duno what to say.
    He really is a twat if he is doing this to your luvly mummy.
    Here for you babsey, hope your mum's ok. She needs to talk to him.

    love you very much
    your bestist chum

  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Girl

    I'm sorry that you think your dad is having an affair, good poem, hope everything is ok, stay strong

  • 19 years ago

    by Treakle

    It seems like such a tough thing to deal with, and i'm glad you've written about it, because a good way to let things out, you have a good friend in kt shelly, you are both so nice to each other.

    You're on my favourites too