1 Turned Into 2

by Hillary   May 26, 2005

1 cut turned into 2
Next thing she knows
Everyone knew
3 cuts turned into 4
Then they noticed there more and more
5 cuts turned into 6
Then she realized she was sick
When she reached 7
I told her she needed to stop
She said she did
But I guess not
8 cuts turned into 9
Then she decided to go deeper this time
After 10 cuts turned into 11
She prayed when she was done she'd be in heaven
12 Cuts turned into 13
Then I feared for her safety
When 14 cuts turned into 15
I turned this all around on me
" If she does this, and she dies,
That's committing suicide.
And it would be my fault too, I could have gotten her help. I was the only one who knew."
When 16 cuts turned into 17
She said it was the only thing that made her feel better
And begged " just accept me"
So I thought it maybe true
And with all this pressure
I started cutting too
Then I saw all the "shes" in this poem
Became me
But then we realized
How much we cared for one another
But yet how much we had scared one another
And that's not what *Best Friends*do
Instead together we believe
There's nothing we can't over come
We still have a life ahead of us
Were still young
And although the scars can never be ERASED
nether can this relationship we have painfully made.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Alissa

    that was so good hill...i loved it I get teary eyed everytime I read it...I love ya so much