My little obsession

by girly†   May 26, 2005

At first it was once a month
but then it became an obsession
I promised her I would stop
but this obsession I couldn't drop
It made me feel so good
it took away my pain
once every night
a razor to my vain
Every time I felt lost
or hurt inside
I'd take the razor
and over my wrist it would glide
Some times it would hurt
but I paid no attenten to the pain
I began to wondered
if I was going insane
One day I put the razor down
and I decided to quit
then i relized how much I hated cutting every little bit


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  • 19 years ago

    by Becca

    Laura marie..hunnie dear explain this too me elove

  • 19 years ago

    by Savanna Elaine

    Awwww...hunni!! Keep up the gret work!!!I too used to be i quit on account that I was scared of losing everything...and just think if you would have contined or i would have we might have not met and get to talk!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Michelle

    Awwww...that's a good poem! Keep up the great work. I wrote some poems about cutting as well. Feel free to check some of them out! :o)

    Big Hugs,


  • 19 years ago

    by *crimson~kittie*

    Being a cutter myself,i find that to be a great poem,it shows me,i can quit,i have to quit. great poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by SavannahSurrender

    wow i love it! ALOT! lol Your way awesome and so are you poems... i think this is my favorite. 5/5!

    much love