Mr Lonely

by Krete   May 27, 2005

Its unbelievable,
the suit-coat pain.
inflicted by life,
accompanied by rain.

He tried real hard,
to smile big lots.
looked to his mama,
for a push of good spots.

Every story has an ending.
this is where his story ends.
life seems never ending,
but, today, will no longer tread.

He walks so casual,
into the tellers lane.
spoken, calm, & hurried,
he tries not to look as if in pain.

But life isn't picture perfect,
they spotted his sudden withdrawal,
government seizure worked it,
so he couldn't end it all.

The gun he tried to buy,
the gun shells he received,
all lead to suspicion,
in a world unbelieved.

He tried to end his life,
stop the existent pain.
He wanted to go that night,
but in stead lingered on in lane.

Mr. Lonely's sadness,
he brings a tear to my eye.
He tried to end it all,
but nothingness hit him by.

Life just makes ya wanna Cry.


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  • 19 years ago

    by «-Pale-Petals-»

    this was amazing. great job!
    i loved it really.

  • 19 years ago

    by Fighter (Ariane L.)

    wow...amazing!!!! very very touching and heart felt piece. you're incredibly talented. keep up the great work!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Luke

    another good, sad poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by EpithetPoet

    It does at that.

  • 19 years ago

    by Gracie Jo

    aww. this was really sad. :( you wrote it very well though. good job! hope you're doing good! take care! ♥