Fallen Angels

by David Rethoret   May 27, 2005

What happens to fallen angels, that don't have arms to catch them when they get here? They hit the bottom. Those quiet beauties in the class that no one notices. Those are the fallen angels, who just hit the ground. Losing all faith, as the loveless, hopeless days go by. They just sit and wait, for someone to pick them up of the ground. They are waiting for someone strong enough, to hold them high, and show them, that they are beautiful again. They are waiting, for their ticket back to heaven. Thats where they belong. The sad, sullen, and quiet fallen angels. There is no reason, for the punishment they endure. The criticism of others. The mocking, that tears at their tender souls. All they ever expected, was for someone to accept them. Someone to accept the love they have to offer, and love them in return. I have found my fallen angel, but now I am afraid, that I'm not strong enough, to hold her high, and make her see she is beautiful again. All I can do is try, and give her all the love in my heart, and just hope, and pray, that my strength doesn't give out on her, and I will never let her fall.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Maisha

    Good poem...i like the last line...


  • 19 years ago

    by David Rethoret

    Thanx... always good to hear good stuff from freinds

    TCL 4 LF

  • 19 years ago

    by Kyle

    whats up young blood. i like this poem. i feel the same way. damn great minds think alike. LOl keep it up.