Still Fighting

by xAmx   May 27, 2005

The flower you gave me is dieing
Seems like our relationship is too
I don't know if I love you anymore
Our fights are getting worse
Maybe we should end it now
So we don't have to face the very ending pain,
The pain that comes on it's own,
Hurting many in it's way
So let's end it now
And feel only alittle pain
So let's do it now
And save us the time and trouble
I don't wanna to continue to fight
But I can't stop fighting
Maybe I love you
I really don't know
I just follow what my heart says
I just want this pain to stop
Please tell me your fighting
To keep this relationship going
Cause I want it too
I just need to know if I am wasting time or not


*I wrote this on March 3rd, 2005


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