I know we're through
I know you moved on
And I am happy that you did
And I'm glad that you are doing good
But I don't understand
How you can just leave
The person you have "loved"
For the last two years
I don't understand why you can't call
Not everyday
But once a week
To tell me you're okay
To see how I am doing
To make sure that everything's good
I don't know why
You just want to walk away
Acting like I never existed
How did we end up this way
Why do you want to forget me
I don't understand what happened
I'm really not sure
I'm glad I had my time with you
I'm still sad I don't have you
But I don't want to go on
Knowing you won't even talk to me
What did I do
How did I lose you completely
How can you be so cruel
I love you I do
And all I want is for you to be happy
This is true
And if talking to me doesn't make you happy
Then why don't you just tell me
I don't want our relationship back
It fell apart months ago
I just want you friendship
Nothing more
Please just call and let me know I still have a place in your heart