A girl dying of cancer

by JJ   May 28, 2005

Mommy why am I so different?
I'm not like all the other girls
I don't have long hair or curls

Mommy you said beauty is on the inside
How come nobody can see mine?
Why can't I have it on the outside?

Mommy what's it like in heaven?
Are there little girls up there like me?
Can they be my friends?

Mommy does it hurt to die?
Up in heaven will I learn to fly?
Do you think the angels can teach me?

Mommy can I have a horsey there?
Will he be little so I can ride him
and can he have silkly, golden hair?

Mommy how far is it to mars?
Do you think that God would mind
if I took from the sky a couple of stars?

Mommy can I see you from up there?
If I wave, will you wave back at me
When the clouds part will you see ?

Mommy if heaven is everything you say it is
I'm not afraid to die and I can't wait to go
God will take care of me, I know

Mommy you'll come be with me someday
Please don't cry anymore. I love you so much
and I'll miss you while I'm away


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  • 19 years ago

    by Loulou

    Oh wow umm my cousin died from cancer and this brought it back excellent poem so sad

  • 19 years ago

    by umsheikha

    oh my god
    very nice;y wriiten

  • 19 years ago

    by Mark

    very sad, hope the girl can beat cancer, no matter how good heaven is or seems. one of my mates has cancer at the moment, so i can relate

    well written, take care

    love mark xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Jacklyn

    excellent poem! it's so sad but yet she seems to have hope and bravery. thanks for the comment, it was a pleasure to read!

    ~PLP~ lil slam~ lots of hugs and love~

  • 19 years ago

    by Vanessa

    very sad but nice pt of view..5/5:)