Two Little Girls

by kiesha   May 29, 2005

This is a story of two little girls
Who once ran into an obstacle that would forever change their world.

These two have been inseparable since they listened to nursery rhymes.
Little did they know their friendship would outlast the sands of time.

They would spend much time together, whether at church or at school,
Every weekend they would spend the night, which was always really cool.

From G.I. Joes and Barbies to basketball then boyfriends,
They knew that their friendship would last forever, that it would never end.

Sometimes they took for granted all the things they got to do.
Until one day something happened, of which they would've never had a clue.

One girl had to move away from the town which held them both.
The girls knew because of this they would make an oath.

No matter how near or far, wherever they would drift,
They would stay true to their friendship, God's once in a lifetime gift.

To this day these little girls are little girls no more,
But no matter what, they always know they can come to each other's door.

These two girls still form the knot which no one can untie.
Their friendship will go on and on, it will live on even after they die.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by The Lonely Rose

    Awwww.....this is a really sweet story

  • 19 years ago

    by Kiss Of Death09

    I like this poem... it reminds me of my best friend who has always been there for me and never judges me no matter what.....good job!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by midnight♥lullibys

    Omg this one was so good it reminded me of my best friend(and i mean BEST friend)who just moved.....and aw it made me cry! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by greenmunky

    aww it was cute. i liked it. it was a poem about a true friendship.

  • 19 years ago

    by RecycleBin

    Hey Kiesh .. I really liked this one.. keep up the good work! And thanx for ur comment ;0)
    The Bin