Nobodys home

by codey   May 29, 2005

She comes home every night, no body is ever home, it is a house filled with nothing but broken dreams,
she lies there with her broken heart holding on to a family portrait, when they were all happy, so it seems
its been many years since that time of happiness, it wont be long until that once happy time fades away,
every night she prays for it to become a reality once again, in this prayer she says:
"dear god, i do not ask for much but i am asking this 1 favor from you,
please let my mother give up her drug addictions, and my father to love her one time soon,
make my brother stop breaking the law, and going to jail, I'm in need of someone to look up to,
please if you just give me these wishes i will be forever grateful" she says this same thing ever night, hoping it will come true soon,
its been about 3 years now since she has started praying for her family, but nothing has come of it,
she throws her family portrait at the wall knowing they will never be like that again, she watches it
as it shatters just like her heart, hopes and dreams, with tears streaming down her face she gets up and picks up the pieces of glass
sitting on her bed she uses the sharpest piece and cuts her wrist, as she has done many times before, hoping that she may pass,
from this world to another, where she wont feel all this pain, she sits down on the ground,
the world is spinning now she knows this is the end, tears running down her face she whispers,
i want to go home, but nobody's home.... as she lies.. broken inside


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  • 18 years ago

    by Fredy

    Really good poem. the way it flows: you can actually feel the poem happening around you.

  • 18 years ago

    by aliiiii

    Hey, awsome poem. It's good, I really liked it. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by hiddenimage

    Thats an emotional poem,but its really well written good job. could u check out my poems too and rate.