Comments : Hoping For The Best For Who Is Me

  • 19 years ago

    by Sarah

    wow!!! OMG this is exactly like me now!!! exept i was only in the hospital for 2 days! it looks like uve stoped! plz help me! i need help i have been caught layin in blood many many times and its gettin really really only 13 and ive been doin this for a yr now so plz if u can help me to stop!

  • 19 years ago

    by heather

    wOw!! this is such a good poem. it really made me think! thanks for posting it!

  • 19 years ago

    by **~xoxo~**

    that was sooo good..... wow... im glad your better now.... Keep going... suicide may look good but it is not the answer... you may not think people will miss u but they will... They will all say what have we done to make her do this so will say i actually really liked her..... But hang in there.... if ya want you can comment on my poems....but hang in there it will be ok.....xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Emily

    This, is such a good poem. I couldn't stop reading it, it's emotional and really good. Email me some more poems at

  • 19 years ago

    by Cari

    omg that is so powerful and it makes things seem more realistic

  • 19 years ago

    by CynicxSincexBirth

    wow. interestingly scary. i must aplaud your way of suicide tho. i thought for sure that would have worked, hmm. i guess you're meant to be here. YAY! living is fun when you can make the best of it. i'm glad your better. maybe soon, i will be too. :`)

  • 19 years ago

    by PoeticMystery

    Hey Tina. Im glad u improved because if u havent u probably wouldnt be here to tell your story. There comes a time in someones life when they wish they were dead because everything may be going wrong in their life but once everything goes wrong it only means that everything will soon become right! Ive experienced. Once you have faith in God and in yourself everything will turn out okay. But ne ways I loved your poem! Keep writing!

  • 19 years ago

    by foreverhappy

    WOW! This left me speechless and in tears. I'm just like this girl (you) except the 5 months things I only did 3 and I haven't improved. But its a powerful story. I'm so happy that your doing much better now! I believe if you have the will to survive that you'll be just fine in everything else. Amazing poem! Keep up the writing

  • 19 years ago

    by vanna

    i love this poem a lot. and im really happy that you are still alive today becuz that was an amazing peice of work. you have a lot of talent. keep writing! 5/5! <3 vanna

  • 19 years ago

    by shellybaby

    very good i hope you are ok now and i think it is wonderful that you overcame that difficult obstacle.
    much love

  • 19 years ago

    by ShadFlame

    eheh thats cute..u know reallly..some people, even tho they stopped cutting, they still have cravings for u still crave for it?

  • 19 years ago

    by Kelly Lee

    dude ur great at writing. ^_^" this poem. this poem was really good. the poem is even more sad because it's fun. lol. wait that wasn't funny. but seriously man, I'm glad ur doing better, I just hope u won't get into that stuff again. must of been hard. it's a good idea to show this to people then they can see certain points of views of others. interesting...I should do that more offen :P I'm happy that it worked out for you.



  • 19 years ago

    by GBAYBEE313

    This is an excellent poem you did a very good job 5/5. i know how it feels to now give a damn about life but it took me a certain some1 who showed me life still had beauty and hope in it. well anyway i wish you all the best luck i hope life goes well for you. -Gina

  • wow that goes deep to me... im sorta a cutter and ya that juss seems to be a personal poem for me...altought i've never done drugs its still an option... im so glad that u've gotten better this is and awesome poem! i love it!

  • 19 years ago

    by Shalane

    I could tell that this poem was very heartfelt! Keep improving and whenever you have an urge or feel as if you need to cut yourself, talk to someone, everyone needs a shoulder to cry on!

  • 19 years ago

    by jamie ellen

    sp well done i hope you are well now if this helps keep it up well done keep safe

  • 19 years ago

    by Caitlin and Kiera♥ probably just saved me. My life is so full of stuff that I can't handle right now that I was going to give in and start cutting. Seeing how messed up it can make people really changed my life. Thank you so much. Not only did you give me great poetry to share with my friends, you gave me my life back. God Bless You.

  • 19 years ago

    by demongoddess120

    hey, i kind of enjoyed it. the reason why that is, is becouse if this really happened t you i'm sorry, but i is a good thing hyour better now. besides that, i enjoyed it!!^_^

  • 19 years ago

    by ChevyCowgirl23

    gurl u gotta realize that drugs and cutting yourself arent really helping! they're just making the problem hurt your friends when you do you hurt your family......yeah you might be smart after knowing all about wat your doing but believe me it hurts to see a friend thats doing somin like that!! Amanda

  • im so sorry you feel like that. or did feel like that, or still do. its very sad. you are the most amazing poet, and i love all of your work, unfortunatly i havent had the time to read all of your poems, but i did comment on a few before about your friend danny =(... you really do have it tough. please just take care...and keep up the good work, im serious when i say. your works the best ive read. stay strong. xx