To My Teacher

by Robert   May 30, 2005

To Learn perchance to dream,
but you have provoked a darker scheme,
Your words and talents send some to die,
and I am here to ask you why,
Content to stay in a class holding them back so they would not excel,
you throw them in a life of ignorance where they wallow in hell.
You stay in a nice house waiting for your retirement plan,
do you know how many children you put in the can.
Telling them to try harder they will find the end,
and after 4 years of making them feel stupid you say you’re just a friend.
They walk out nowhere to go but labor or crime,
but still you hold your hand out and expect that dime.
With no passion of heart or mind,
it is their dreams that they will never find.
You convict all your students to this ungodly hell,
only because you feel you are the boss when they hear the school bell.
Please take the time to teach them there is life and lessons all around,
and they don’t have to find a living digging in the ground.
With each new kid there is a bounty of talent deep inside,
don’t you understand it is your job to be their guide?
I was tried and convicted to go the hard way,
placing me on a path of a state of disarray.
Telling me I was never able to get that far,
that I could never touch my dreaming star.
Now it is my kin that sits in your class everyday at the bell,
and I will do everything not to place in the same hell.
You did your teaching job and made a life crushing kid’s hope,
but know with or with out your words we can all cope.
You may not like us and think we can not think,
but know you never want to see us again when it is you on the brink.
What goes around will come around they all do say,
and I hope you find that kid that hated what you did to them some cold day.

Written By
Robert Lee Niswander
Copyright 2005


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  • 16 years ago

    by x Mo x

    Oh...that sounded dark...yikes. When I think of teachers I don't think of that.

    I had one teacher like that last year though, so I understand where that is coming from. It's sort of frightened me, mostly because I wasn't expecting it to be so dark. But you said it all very well. I love your simple vocabulary that didn't seem all that simple when you used it. It sounded very very well written though. And there wasn't any sort of rhythm issue, that's always a plus! Overall you did great!


  • 16 years ago

    by The Queen

    To Learn perchance to dream,
    ^^ I don’t know why you have to capitalize it although I know you wanted to emphasize the word learn.

    Please take the time to teach them there is life and lessons all around,
    ^^ I think it would have been better if you put comma between them and there

    but know with or with out your words we can all cope.
    ^^ As usual I think the comma is again necessary here

    You may not like us and think we can not think,
    ^^ The repetition of the word think made this line a bit odd

    but know you never want to see us again when it is you on the brink.
    What goes around will come around they all do say,
    ^^ Same comma was missing

    It could have been better if you put them into stanzas.

    I was very enthused of the idea that this poem was trying to portray. I could say it was a powerful write although you could have improved it a little hard. The ending didnt amaze me and I was expecting something more aggressive. Nevertheless, your idea was brilliant and somehow always inspiring the readers. I loved the vivid and powerful inspiration each of your poems represent. Good Job..5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Jaymes Haze

    Hmm... did someone have a rough childhood experience.
    It is too true that there are a lot of people out there not fit to teach, I know....

    It got to be a bit of a bore I must say, but it still was an interesting piece, seeing as I intially thought that it'd be something sweet.

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    "I was tried and convicted to go the hard way,
    placing me on a path of a state of disarray.
    Telling me I was never able to get that far,
    that I could never touch my dreaming star."

    ^^favourite part. Wow. So much depth and intense emotions in those four small lines.

    I really enjoyed this piece, I thought it was very thought provoking, and while filled with so much bitterness and rage, it was still written so beautifully.

  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    Another great topic you really captured the imagination on this poem well done xxx alex xxx