Part *2*

by Nikki   May 30, 2005

We asked what happen they say Justin was at Joe's and Justin fell asleep on the couch , yes Joe and Justin had been drinking but not enough to consider him drunk and Joe went to bed after he noticed Justin was asleep and well Joe never thought that Justin would get up and walk out of the house and head home .. well he had .. he left and Coming through Elkorn he had to be tired at 1 in the morning and just waking up .. well He ran into the ditch and hit a telephone pole it flipped his car several times throwing him out of it and before he was taking to the Hospital Jamie Fine aka Justin's Guardian Angel was there and the police officers were writing tickets and wouldn't take him to the hospital Jamie says there was no respect for Justin and she talked to him in tell the Life Flight got there .. When he was in the hospital.. later on that night we waited for four hours to find out what was going on

........................................................................................................Part 3 coming soon


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