There once was a girl

by mayana   May 30, 2005

There once was a girl,
who had a great life,
then she met a "man",
that caused her great strife.
at first it was wonderful,
they talked all through the night,
it was all clear ahead,
no troubles in sight.
but she screwed up again,
and he left her all alone,
she tried even calling him,
but he wouldn't pick up the phone.
her tears were blood,
dripping to the ground,
because everywhere she looked,
he was no where to be found.
months and months came and gone,
she was still distraught,
she wanted to get through this,
because she had taken a broken route.
she waited for the pain to pass,
because it really hurt within,
it seemed god didn't want her,
because she was a bad sin.
people tried to reach her,
she just pushed their help away,
she didn't want their pity,
but her life had turned a shade of gray.
she couldn't take it anymore,
she got a hold of this gun,
got ahold of his picture,
blocked the warmth of the great sun
a silent bang,
it seemed to be,
because no one came ruchin when she dropped to her knees.
for she didn't pull the trigger,
even she thought her future grim,
for the one who shot her down,
was he so called true love,


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