Left to die

by No1ButMe   Jun 1, 2005

Tonight I'm left alone
and I'm completely stressed
no one seems to understand
that I'm not just depressed
I've tried to stop so many times
but I don't know what else to do
I had no where to go
and no one to turn to
I open my drawer
and the first thing I see
is my trusty blade
calling out to me
I go to pick up
I remember what was said
but I can't ignore these suicidal thoughts
going through my head
I pick up the blade
grip it tight in my hand
don't try to pretend
you'll never understand
I don't know why you left me here
to rot in my own misery
I'm a lost cause
and eventually you'll see
I slide the blade across my wrist
adding another slice to my skin
this is what helps me
so let the healing begin
my problems fade away
as I watch myself bleed
for when I'm depressed
this is all I need
I'll never know why you left
you know what will happen tonight
I'll pick up that blade
and I'll loose the fight
you knew I was upset
and you know I'll go too far
but still you left
drove away in your car
you didn't say goodbye
just simply walked out
you knew I'd think of suicide
you didn't have a doubt
you knew when you came home
I'd be drowning in my own blood
that after I was done
there would be an ever flowing flood
I won't stop till I'm dead
I'll cut down to the bone
and there's nothing you can do
because you left me alone
you knew it would happen
and you know it's all true
tonight I'll keep cutting
till I'm dead on the outside too
you knew I would do it
did you leave me to try
you knew I'd go through with it
so you can put on my tombstone "Left to die"


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  • 14 years ago

    by Lioness

    I love this poem. So deep and raw and shows every emotion. I felt everything. Well written hun!


  • 19 years ago

    by Leah

    omg i love this poem! you are very good at writing.... i can relate to alot of your poems!!! ur not alone!!keep it upp!!!
    XoOx Leah

  • 19 years ago

    by Iwuvsierra

    Please sierra don't hurt yourself Nobody wants that!!!! Ecspecially me I want you to be safe I want you to be happy with what you got!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Rachel

    This poem has a lot of meaning. I love it! <333 Stay strong
