by xoXkarinaXox   Jun 1, 2005

When i have been strong
you make me so weak
if you don't shut your mouth
my blood will soon seek

out of my skin
and onto the floor
where my body will lay
and my life will be no more

you really have to stop
yelling, cursing, hitting
cause in my closet with my blade
i soon will be sitting

crying my eyes out
all cuz of you
is this really happening
it surely can't be true

as the blade slits my skin
and a tear runs from my eye
if this is my last breath
i hope I'm happy when i die

**this is a poem about how my mom makes me feel**


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  • 19 years ago

    by lindzy

    wow, that is exactly how i feel sometimes but u wrote it beautifully, good job 5/5