Comments : Death

  • 19 years ago

    by yummymummy

    Death is my mother, she is the onew that causes all pain. er anyway i really like it , i cant explain i just do cxxcx

  • 19 years ago

    by Megzzy

    Great work..check out my poems some time

  • 19 years ago

    by kate

    excellant poem again keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by JLT

    omg........ that was F^cking awesome! It's amazing. You made me think! You vodka theif! lol sorry but for real though, it's a great poem. Keep up the good work sweets *hugs*


  • 19 years ago

    by why me

    That was incredible i dont like alote of what people write but this is the best i have ever read and i am for real 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by ~**~SARAH~**~

    That is a extremly well written poem and i am very impressed by how well you write poetry you should really keep it up and also i don't know you but i am a surviver of death depression and manly everything else that is out there i have had eating disoders and i was a cutter for almost 3 years and i am telling you this just to say that people can get threw eanything i know it feels like there is nothing worth liveing for but i know that if you just keep on going your life will get so much better i am now one of the happiest people in my new skool and they have no idea that i have been threw all that i have been threw including 6 mental hospitals but n e wayz what i am trying to say is there is hope and you may not see it at times but you will!well i know you are probly thinking omg this girl is a freak and why the hell is she writting me well honestly i have no idea but thanx fror the comment on one of my poems when i was a freak lol well sorry so long
    luv ya bunches,