
by MEG!@$%   Jun 3, 2005

Why do they always seem to run away
Whenever they get to know you

Why do they act like your friend
When they don’t give a shit about you

Why are you always there for them
When they aren’t there for you

Why did you trust them
When all they did was lie to you

Why do they think they can just ditch you
When you do something that isn’t up to their standards

Why do you have to work
Just to be their friend

Why are girls so cruel
And why can you never trust anyone?


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  • 12 years ago

    by acquisto alicia

    When you know the answer please let me know.

  • 19 years ago

    by xxxRaNsOmxxx

    ive been there before. its sounds like you need new friends ones who'll really care about you and be true.i know easier said then done but lifes to short to waste it on backstabbers and liers. ya know what i mean.but that was a really powerful poem.keep it up! LOVED IT!!!!