
by Katie Bennett   Jun 3, 2005

I look into the mirror
Not sure of what I see
Cause lately al there’s been
Are reflections of you and me
Last time I looked into the mirror
I wasn’t ready for the reflection I saw
I saw you holding me, hugging me
Kissing me and all
Unsure of what I’d seen
I tried it once again
For surely there was no such thing
That could bring me back to “then”
And as I looked into the mirror
My mind didn’t know what to do
Cause I saw you looking in my eyes
And telling me “I love you”
And once again I looked in the mirror
Just to once again relive the past
Or at least for a couple minutes
Make the memories last
And this time when I looked
I broke down right then and there
And then started forming
A single crimson tear
I saw you right in front of me
With something in your hands
I tried to lean closer
To help me understand
I reassured my doubts
And I know this for a fact
I saw you take a knife
And thrust it in my back


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  • 18 years ago

    by ~SeXaY SaRaH~

    Wow this is really good!

  • 19 years ago

    by Switchblade89

    Great poem.I like the whole Idea about the mirror.Great poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by kiesha

    That was amazing. I didn't expect the ending, and I love how you incorporated the mirror into your poem. Keep on writing and take care.
    > Kiesha

  • 19 years ago

    by Haley

    *Sigh* Pure amazing!! How you ever thought of the mirror thing, I have no clue..and what a suprise ending! Wow!! I loved it!!!! I'm adding you to my favorites!! Keep it up, Katie!! And thank you SO much for commenting on mine, it means so much!


  • 19 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    O man.. that is the best poem i have ever read..the whole mirror idea is aweesome.. such a sstrong ending.. never stop writing.. ur soo good..

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