In Memory Of A Man I Loved...

by Becky drake   Jun 4, 2005

In memory of a man that I loved very much,
Theres no way to tell all the lives that he touched.

I know he worked hard every day of his life,
providing for his family, his children, and wife.

I don't think he ever complained,or griped about his day,
he just said"Thank Ya Lord", and went about his way.

I married this family April of 79,
and never saw him angry, always gentle and kind.
I've heard all the stories, the funny and the sad,
and I know his children thought of him, "AS WORLDS GREATEST DAD".

He loved his sons, and taught them everything he knew,
and if they ever got confused, he'd tell them what to do.

He also loved his daughters, all three of them the same,
and when he ask for blessings he called them all by name.

I know that you could turn to him if anything went wrong,
and he would always tell you, within the Lord stay Strong.

He truly loved his daughter in laws, and their burdens he would carry,
and I know he also love the men, his daughters chose to marry.

There were some things in life, that he really loved to do,
He loved to fish, and fish again, and did I mention fishing too....

He told stories of his grandkids, he loved them all so much,
you know he had a way with them, he called it "Papaws Touch".

We were so blessed to have him here, and share in his love so free,
and I wonder how we'll survive, without him here to see.

Then Mark Chapter 4 comes to my mind,
I open the Bible and this is what I find.
The Parable of the farmer, and my father in law "Gene"
and I know within my heart of hearts that this is what life means.

Dad planted the seeds, and he planted them well,
and for generations to come his story they'll tell.

Our father, our friend, so much love inside,
and as we speak of him today, we speak of him with Pride.

To my wonderful father in law, a man that I love,
I will find comfort, knowing your in Heaven above.

you are missed but we go on,
From the twilight to the dawn,
I love you my friend
your daughter in law or (daughter) one in the same. it is with Honor I carry the "Drake "name.

Love always,
your daughter in law

this poem was written for my father in law Gene, he passed away suddenly from heart disease, on August 24th 2002. We truly loved this man, and he was one of my best friends in life......that says alot when your talking about your father in law....


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    Your poet heart speaks well. I really liked your poem and the way it flowed with words chosen for just the right moment as your poem began to speak of that heart. Keep up the good works….I’ll be reading more…

  • 18 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    What a beautifully penned tribute to someone who meant so much to you. I am sorry for your loss. Great job on the poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by hungry4choc

    Wow .. great poem ... well written with inspiring hidden meaning ... well done i loved it ... 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Tammy

    Oops! I meant to say "with" the Lord

  • 18 years ago

    by Tammy

    Becky that was so beautiful and sad. You have a wonderful heart and it sounds as though Gene did to. He is in the Lord now reaping his just reward for the life he lived.
    God Bless!