
by Katie McCullick   Jun 5, 2005

A girl is laying, crying on the ground.
Her blood is spilling, she can't make a sound.
Her life is fading as she takes her last breath.
Her tears turn to ice as she slowly enters death.
The pounding of her heart stops in her chest.
she is relieved for she will finally rest.
Now the light is finally showing her the way.
It fills around her as bright as day.
Her life has ended yet she is not sad,
because what has happened is not all that bad.
She lived her life all alone.
And now her once beating heart is as cold as stone.
Her life was empty and she didn't know why.
She spent every night hoping to die.
She couldn't handle the pain anymore,
So she cut herself and fell to the floor.
This is when she started her life,
Her only friend, A kitchen knife.


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  • 19 years ago

    by EoB

    This is a good poem, well put into words with good rhyming scheme and a natural flow...

    However, it is a clichè, and I am quite sure I have read poems with not even the same message, but also the same words, to some extent...

    Not calling you a plagiarizer, its just that this is not much of an original poem...

    But neverthelss, it is good.