I've fallen so far
Been so far down
Always thought it couldn't get worse
And then I'd start to drown
For so long I've been convinced
That I'd never see true light
I gave up on wanting to get better
Quit trying to win the fight
I started cutting
And loved the blood
But it never came fast enough
I always wanted a worse flood
My friends and boyfriend saw the cuts
And tried to force me to stop
At first I wanted to listen
But it got so bad I wanted to drop
I was so close to death
And the scary thing is I was unafraid
I fell so far in love with
What I thought was my savior, my blade
But one night I was praying
And I felt God enter my heart
He said He had other plans
And that's when I just fell apart
I couldn't believe my mind
He really cared about me
And in what probably was my last week
He came and made me see
I look back now and for the first time see
I almost died, I almost gave in
I almost betrayed God
And let Satan win
But as long as God lives
I'll know there's light ahead
I'm so glad He found me when no one else would
And I'm so glad I'm living instead
*This really did happen and I'm not all better yet but with God's help I might be someday. God is truly amazing and for everyone out there that feels like I did and still kind of do that there's no hope, relax and just have faith in Him. God is the way*