If I told you

by lindsey   Jun 6, 2005

**If I told you how I felt would you hold my feelings against me..

If I asked you to hold me would you only push me away..

If I asked you how you felt would you only avoid it and change the conversation to something else..

If I asked you If you would ever fall in love with me would you just laugh and blow the question off..

If I asked you to stay with me would you only say relationships get old and that just how you are...

If I told you I fell in love with you would you just leave me and tell me that love is for fools who can't help but fall...

(please comment and vote this was from the heart..)


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  • wow, that was a really well writen poem, i feel the same way with this one guy cause hes really shy but we both like eachother, but i really liked this poem