Poem To My Dad

by Alissa   Jun 6, 2005

I remember when I was young and I was your little girl
You used to tell me I was your world your precious little Pearl
When I was outside you pushed me on the swings
And played school with me and all those little things
You took me to get our favorite strawberry ice cream
And you always kissed me good night to scare away the bad dream
You and mom fought and didn't get along
But I never imagined you would be gone
You told me it wouldn't change the relationship between you and I
But it has and all I can do is cry
You don't get what damage this has done
You weren't even there for the state finals we won
You missed my first day of school and getting on the bus
You don't even no my best friend's name the person I trust
You missed all my t-ball games and when I hit the ball
And when I learned to ride the bike you arent there to pick me up when I fall
You missed my first 3 pointer and my team's win
You even missed when I learned how to swim
You missed every picture day at school
You missed my 8 year old stage when I thought I was cool
You missed my first party and sleepover
I bet you didn't know my favorite game was red rover
You missed my first heart break and boyfriend drama
The only one I could turn to was mama
And when I did see you silents filled the room
I bet you aren't aware I'm going to high school soon
You had the chance to fix this and change it all
Getting through to you is like getting through a brick wall
But I don't feel sorry for myself I feel sorry for you
Because you can't get this back no matter what you do
These parts of my life are gone and out the window
To my life you don't have anything to show
So when you go to bed at night I hope you think of me
About how you told me you would be there and the way it should be

*please take a couple seconds and vote and comment..it means a lot to me*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Hillary

    Alissa that was really awsome... I loved it. I'm really sorry about your dad too. And i kno theres nothing i can say or do to make it better. I just hope he relizes what he's missing

  • 19 years ago

    by Lynz

    Once again- I see a mirror image of me. My parents got divorced when I was five..my dad moved three hours away, he missed so much. And you know what?- Someday your dad will realize the oppertunities he has missed, and everything that he has thrrown away by not being there for you. I hope he realizes soon so you have some time to mend your relationship before you grow up too much on him!! Good luck with things. I like your writing a lot.
    Love always,
    Lyndsey Lea

  • 19 years ago

    by Rachel

    This poem is meaningful. I can relate to it, but with my mother. Nicely written.
