
by Rachel   Jun 6, 2005

I am trapped,
Trapped within my soul.
With no one to talk to
To the world
I am just this transparent existance
Holding the blade
Cutting without a sound
Going unnoticed
Slowly erasing myself completely
Slowly dying
The pain sits there
near my refuge
Holding me,
Engraving itself in me
Until it has made its mark
On my heart
Needing to be fixed.
The words fall out of my mouth
"Help me"
I guess nobody heard me
Tearing the pain out
Bleeding the wounds out
Screaming out the silence
I keep bleeding screaming, and tearing
Until there is nothing left
but a useless body,
and a worthless face
Here I am
Silently living.

*Yeah I know... not my best*


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  • 19 years ago

    by elizabeth

    I love this line:
    "Trapped within my soul."
    So often we actually cut ourselves off from others and create a type of personal cage; I think this line describes that perfectly.

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    Actually, I liked this one. So much emotion, and a very unique format. I love it, actually. I hope you are ok, and if you ever need to talk, I'm here.
    (By the way, i really like your user name... it reminds me of my fave book... flowers in the attic. Anywho, i really like it!)

  • 19 years ago

    by Alissa

    i really liked it i can relate good job