
by Angelique   Jun 7, 2005

A feeling of joy, brightness and laughter,
something I've never felt from the beginning and there on after.
A way to show you enjoying your life...
"Hey hand me that knife!"
Morbid thoughts and bad dreams tell me what this truly means.
Am i full of light or just a lingering shadow?
Oh how i love the tingling feeling when the blood drips, when i feel my life slip i swear it's the best trip- never lets you down always there when needed.
Drown my pain and thoughts with a box full of beautiful sharp objects. This is my happiness


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  • 19 years ago

    by LinkinParkFreak

    Hey lette!!!!! this poem kicks ass...MFCL!!!!! tkae care and keep throwin dat hatchet!!

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Is it, okay then. Be happy, and the title don't really suites the category but the poem is. I don't mean to be mean but i think you can be a better writer, i'm not very good myself so i hope someone can tell me ways to improve too.

    You can start by writing poems that rhymes. I don't mean it's necessary to write poems that rhymes, just thought you could come out with better poems.

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