
by kels   Oct 14, 2003

Hit the pillow,
hit the wall,
it seems like,
they don't care at all.

All my feelings,
locked up inside,
I have no place to run,
nor to hide.

I can't tell anyone,
for my secrets will become clear,
what I'm feeling inside,
is nothing but fear.

Then it's the anger,
the depression,
it's coming on strong,
I feel the aggression.

I can't stand it,
it's to much feeling,
I lay on my bed,
and stare at the ceiling.

I try to sort,
through my anger,
it's no use,
so I pull out the dagger.

I place it on my ankle,
and slowing drag it across,
I think of my punishment,
this is the cost.

As I look,
at what I have just done,
I stop and wonder,
should I get the gun?

I think of everything,
all I have to give,
this wasn't a suicide attempt,
I still want to live.

As I clean the dagger,
and place it back in its spot,
I carefully hide the evidence,
I wouldn't want to get caught.

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  • 21 years ago

    by kels

    wonderful poem! alot of people go through the same shit u go through but cutting is 'not' the answer. please listen to this . from a friend