
by Sassy   Jun 11, 2005

I walk through the halls everyday
Someone always yells out Dyke
I brush it off my shoulders
And continue to live my life
They don't think it hurts
They don't know that it gets to me
That I am breathing and living to
How hard is that to see
I can walk into a room
And all I hear is silence
Like I don't know what there saying
Doesn't take rocket Science
How does that make me different?
Who says being different is bad
I eat the same drink the same,
Just have a different fad
Do they think that this is easy
Like I could 'turn' back over night
I bleed just like them, cry the same tears
but they continue to bite
To bite at my soul
my way of life
But seem to look past
my heart my sweat my strife
How does my way of life
affect them in any way
There not the ones who wake up
And see the 'rainbow' everyday
And so what If I am gay
I'm still walking on two feet
So continuously bring me down
I will continuously take the heat
I am not different
y'all are just all the same
But I wont hold a grudge on you
Being straight is not a game
So I will leave you with this thought
A piece of mind I've left here for you
If you were in my shoes each day living on gay lines
Would u still judge me as you do?


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    I can really relate,but be proud of who you are,and ignore the ignorant people,great poem

  • 18 years ago

    by Jordan

    I think im in love! haha..great poem. e-mail me somtime.

  • 19 years ago

    by Tearful Poet

    Beautiful. I can understand everything you're going through. It wasn't easy for me to come out and some of my family still doesn't know. I don't understand the hate for gay people. It's all ignorance...people are afraid of what the don't understand. Live your life, you're the only one who knows how to. BE HAPPY AND SCREW EVERYONE ELSE!!!! Oh, and LESBIANS ROCK!!!! ~Read some of my poetry, it's about the passion between two women.