Please Remember

by ♥Munchkin♥   Jun 12, 2005

This is it, the time has come,
To make or break, to stay or go,
It's clear to me we're weaker,
But there has to be a way,
To stay together, support each other,
To have what we had that day,
The day you looked at me,
Shock written across your perfect face.
Eyes wide in surprise,
As I told you "yes" in full confidence,
So sure you were the one,
Nobody else could come close to you,
Me and you would start a future,
That would never come to an end,
So many fond memories spin in my mind,
Reminiscing of us and all the good times,
Like pillow fighting in my room,
And pinning me to the bed,
Then starring into my eyes,
Before kissing me softly on the head,
Our first time of intimacy,
When I gave you all I could give,
Knowing you were the only guy I could ever give myself to,
The man whom I forever want to spend my life with,
The first time you helped me with my shyness,
You made me feel so safe and loved,
You looked straight into my eyes,
And you said I was the only girl you've ever loved,
The time you cared for me when I was drunk,
Running over to me to make sure I was okay,
And you stayed with me after my disgusting performance,
And haven't commented on the sickening way I looked,
You're honest with me and I trust you,
Never to cheat on me or betray,
But I wish we could make more fond memories,
Starting from today,
Memories like you "relaxing" half way through what I was doing,
We both ended up in stitches,
And I realised there was no point pursuing,
I was too busy laughing,
Giggling every-time I remembered,
Till this day I still do,
Thoughts of you run through my head,
And I remember you and me laying in my bed,
You suddenly turned to me,
Completely and utterly sincere,
"Why are you with me?"
Were the words uttered from your lips,
The serious depth I saw in your eyes,
You really didn't know did you,
But my heart lives with you and will continue this way till it dies,
You suspected I didn't want to be in your arms any longer,
And in part your suspicion was true,
I was unclear as to whether we will last,
But I never doubted my love for you,
Now it's time for us to talk,
Of the memories we made and the future in-front,
The feeling you hold inside, the fears you might have,
Tonight I think we both may have to start to confront,
But whatever happens to us,
Know this and always remember,
I loved you then, I love you still,
And until I die I always will,
Even when I've passed,
My love for you will last,
It will surround you everyday,
Protecting you in every-way,
So from now on no matter what you or I do,
Remember my entire heart, will always belong to you.

"I love you and I don't know where we're going anymore and I don't know what will happen tonight or how you'll react when you read this, but please don't give up on me or us.... I need you in my life forever... I need you to hold me, protect me, love me and want me... for you to feel for me like I feel for you... it's a lot to ask I know but I'm still asking... I love you so much"


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