DrAiNiNg wOrDs

by Ur Hearts Dzire!!   Oct 17, 2003

I cant live through this difficult Moment
Everyday more hard to deal my heart is half way Dent
Why this is so hard I just don’t know
Maybe I just haven’t found the right way to Go
Inside I feel so lonely and confused that’s basically all me
How and where I’m now and what I do and who I’m with that’s just all Destiny
Who knows what if this is who I’m going to be the rest of my Life
What if everything is going to end up a suffering Strife
I feel I’m just hurting the people I love and Care
The smallest mistake a huge difference it makes everywhere
My thoughts my words to others a blur of bright flaming Red
Now I know some things are better left unsaid
I just want the best for the best
For everyone to be happy and their love to be at Rest
I’m not selfish or ignorant that’s the truth about how I’m feeling
With all this crap I put up with and all the shit I be dealing
This is too much but I’m glad I got my girls by my side
They understand me and from them there’s nothing I can Hide
Sooner or later I’ve just got to let Go
Find my self esteem and my breath to once again Flow
Caught in the middle of two different people making it two more heavy loads
I’m tired and I’ve lost a lot now I just want to change from these two roads
To be completely honest I just don’t know what I want anymore
I thought I had everything now I’m stunned of how much I’ve shut down from deep inside my Core
I hope I can once again feel the strong love I just lost touch of, it’s going to be really hard though I Bet
From all the tears I’ve cried and the crazy ideas I’ve had this time I don’t want to have to hurt and Regret
It’s not going to be the same as it was before
You’ll once again little by little have to unlock my heart Door
No matter what happens I’ll always love you and anything you want I’d Do
Just hold my heart tight and never let go and I’ll always be with You
From all the strings I’ve had you’ve detached a couple now I only have three
Down inside it hurts to say that just one more mistrust ill loose you ‘and you’ll loose me
And that’s how things will get and how they’ll probably end up to Be


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