Susie was always smiling away,
and enjoyed every single day,
her golden hair would glow in the sun,
and she always had so much fun,
her smile bought joy to her mothers heart,
her favorite lesson at school was art,
she loved her best mate and her brother lee,
but truthfully no ne could really see,
deep down this girl was really screaming,
hate and anger was all she was feeling,
crying inside and scars up her arm,
every day that girl would self harm,
when her mother found her it was too late,
to save her daughter from that awful fate,
22nd of June she died,
in nobody poor Susie could confide.
a year has now passed her coffin still lay,
memories of that dreadful day,
her mother still asks herself why didn't she see,
the silent suffering of 15 yr old Susie.