Why do you think you know what I'm going through
My life isn't anything like yours if only you knew
You can't help me so stop thinking you can
I can get on my own two feet and stand
I don't need your words or your help
I can fix me all by myself
I don't need you to remind me of my mistakes
To change myself I know what it takes
You think your helping but your only slowing me down
I think your starting to like the fact that I constantly frown
Get over yourself then maybe you can leave me alone
I can do this all on my own
Stop telling people that I hide my tears
People finding out the I hurt myself is one of my biggest fears
And you know that so why is it that you continue to talk
When you find out how much I can't stand you you'll be shocked
This is my life not yours
Its time you wash your hands with me and close the doors
I'm sick of you thinking you know what I'm going through
But all around I'm just sick of you
*horrible but I'm mad so I had to write something sorry for the bad write*